Personal Portfolio of Nick Friedrich

Nick Friedrich

Personal Portfolio

Shopify Apps

AliGPT logo


Started in: 2023 - Status: LIVE

An importer app which imports product from AliExpress to Shopify with a few clicks completely ready to publish with AI-Generated titles and descriptions.

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres

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StoreGPT logo


Started in: 2023 - Status: LIVE

StoreGPT is a app which bulk rewrites titles, descriptions and meta descriptions using AI.

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres

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BGR - Backroundremover logo

BGR - Backroundremover

Started in: 2023 - Status: LIVE

This MVP is a basic background remover for product photos

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres

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SchlauDesk Shopify Helpdesk logo

SchlauDesk Shopify Helpdesk

Started in: 2023 - Status: LIVE

This MVP is a helpdesk app for shopify which uses AI to generate responses based on the message and the order data. Mostly lacks the function of a spam protection at the moment.

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres, Resend for sending mails, IMAP for receiving mails

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Notionfy Landing Page Builder logo

Notionfy Landing Page Builder

Started in: 2024 - Status: LIVE

This is a Tool, which creates Shopify pages from Notion pages.

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres, Resend for sending mails, IMAP for receiving mails

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AI Vital Power Tools logo

AI Vital Power Tools

Started in: 2024 - Status: LIVE

A collection of AI-powered tools for Shopify, which can be used to generate product descriptions, titles, and meta descriptions, pages and articles.

RemixJS (Typescript), Postgres, Resend for sending mails, IMAP for receiving mails

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Other Projects

RewriteIT logo


Started in: 2023 - Status: LIVE

An Article Rewriter using AI.

SvelteKit, Firebase, Stripe

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DueDo logo


Started in: 2024 - Status: LIVE

My litte deadline focused Todo-List

NextJS, PostgreSQL, Prisma, Typescript

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